Threadless t-shirts has a great submission depicting a cute bread character being made into french toast. First you see the happy slice with egg friends smiling. Second the slice gets drenched, its happy face now contorted, Its egg friends cracked. Finally the sad ending, dead bread in the fry pan. It might sound tragic but the drawings are done with such a degree of cuteness you smile at the bread's pain. Click on this banner to see...

Dollar short and friends reveal interesting psychological aspects of food anthrpomorphising in the blog entry “Eat me”.
“Ever since I was a child, I have viewed my food as little warriors and little friends. Eating cheerios was always a daunting task. There could never be a left-over "O" — not just because of my desire not to waste, but also because I didn't want it to feel left out.”
You are such snobs. Disecting cartoon cupcakes to hear your smug selves speak. I guess living in Bradenton, Florida must make you feel the need to attack your own surroundings.
dear friend,
we welcome comments from all ages and realize from your comment you are under twelve years old. So to show our appreciation of your comment we will buy a family pack of chocolate cream filled captain cupcakes just to share with you.
thanks again.
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